Analytics and Reports with Andròmina Rent

Did you know that Andròmina Rent can share its data with the most skilled data analytics tools in the market such as Tableau, Qlik or Microsoft Power BI

Using data analytics will give you a more accurate understanding of your company and will let you make better strategic decisions. With such add ons, Andromina Rent can expand its features from being a well known cross-platform management software specially tailored for the AV rental industry to a sophisticated business prediction provider.

More info in:

Andròmina Rent

Andròmina Rent allows you to have control of your stock, crew, subrents, invoicing and calendars in an intuitive and effective way”


“you can work smarter, spot trends faster, and predict outcomes”


“you can empower everyone in your organization to make better decisions daily, creating a truly data-driven enterprise.

Microsoft Power BI.

“Empower team members to discover insights hidden in your data with Microsoft Power BI.”