Claris connects Andròmina Rent to third parties.

On March 3 in Santa Clara, California, Claris International Inc., Apple subsidiary and creator of FileMaker, the platform on which Andròmina Rent is developed, launched the Claris Connect program to provide its customers with an intuitive interface to connect applications and automate workflows.

“Andròmina Rent already offered the possibility of connections with third-party applications such as Google Cal”, explains Pep Espunyes, developer of Andròmina Rent, “but Claris Connect opens the door for on-demand connection with a multitude of applications and web services in order to automate all kinds of processes such as the acceptance and digital signature of budgets, manage the recipient lists of Mailchimp and other email marketing programs, synchronize calendars in project management programs such as Trello, interact with SalesForce and other CRMs in the cloud, manage a virtual store with Shopify and much more. In short, it represents a great step forward in the integration of Andròmina Rent with the cloud ”.

“While Claris Connect implies an additional cost, it will undoubtedly benefit Andròmina Rent users by advancing workflow and communication automation in a company,” adds David Roselló in charge of AndròminaRent distribution from GambiniPro.

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