Andròmina Rent and the anti-fraud law.

Andròmina eBusiness, SL signs an agreement with B2B Router.

As you may already know, the anti-fraud law regulation in Spain comes into effect in 2025, This law, among other things, requires companies to make all generated invoices available to the tax authorities from the moment of their issuance, and software providers to adapt their programs to meet the requirements established in its regulation.

Some of the requirements that the software must comply with include the ability to trace invoices, provide access to them at all times, and demonstrate that they have not been altered or modified once issued. Additionally, all invoices generated must be linked to each other.

We are adapting Andròmina Rent to comply with the law and the regulation, and we have signed a collaboration agreement with B2B Router so that they can take care of these requirements.

This collaboration will allow our clients to continue issuing invoices from Andròmina Rent in accordance with the law. The invoice generation process will be transparent for the user, as Andròmina Rent will send the necessary data to B2B Router’s servers for them to handle the linking of the invoices and their custody.

Furthermore, the integration of Andròmina Rent with B2B Router’s systems will allow our clients to send invoices to FACe, SII, and Ticket Bai directly. In the future, it will also enable compliance with the requirements of the “Ley Crea y Crece,” which mandates that invoices be sent in digital format to clients.

For the integration to be possible, the client will need to subscribe to an “Enterprise” contract with B2B Router and use version 4.0 of Andròmina Rent—free for all our clients with maintenance—which will be available in the second quarter of 2025.

More information about B2B Router:

More information about Andròmina Rent:

Susqueda, December 20, 2024